Ownership & Management 

Stephan Schröter

Managing Partner


Phone +49 170 341 0998

Mail schroeter@sms-business-solutions.net



"Stephan Schröter has founded SMS Business Solutions to contribute with his drive & experience to the measurable & perceptible success of Business Ideas, Entrepreneurs and SMEs. He stands for the holistic SMS-Approach that defines Smart Goals and designs & implements feasible solutions for the commercial success of our clients."

Experience & Competencies

Corporate & Business Development

- Global Key Account Management, C-Level Client Coverage & Senior Sales responsibility

- Project Manager outsourcing of back-office activities

- Project Leader for the SME target market expansion

- Director Private Banking client acquisition  

- M&A transactions to execute strategic growth options



- Sector Head Global Transaction Services | DACH

- Senior Sales Manager | Europe

- Interim CEO | SME

 - People Management for teams of 5-150 people


Corporate Finance & Treasury Management

- Project & Aquisition Finance 

- Debt & Equity Capital Markets

- Cash & Liquidity Management

-  Risk Management

- Trade Finance

- Securities Services & Fund Administration



- Global responsibility for Product Sales & Management

- Implementation of KPIs for client management

- Key Account Management

- B2B sales strategy for Wealth Management


Sector Experience

- Financial Institutions

- TMT | Technology, Media & Telecommunications

-  Consumer & Healthcare

- Conglomerates & Industrials

Resume & Education

since 2009 | SMS Business Solutions International

Frankfurt | London | Munich | Zurich

Managing Partner


2002-2008 | Citigroup

Frankfurt & London

Managing Director | Corporate & Investment Banking

- Regional Head Global Transaction Services

-  Sales Head GTS EMEA Consumer & Healthcare

- COO & Chief of Staff 


1994-2001 Citibank

Frankfurt & London

Director | Corporate Banking


- Financial Institutions

- Industrials & Conglomerates


1988-1993 | Citibank

Frankfurt, New York & Zurich

Management Associate & Vice President

-  Product Manager Securities Lending

- Executive Trainee 


1989 | Citicorp Institute for Global Finance

New York | USA

Credit Training & Capital Markets Theory


1984-1988 | University of St. Gallen | HSG

St. Gallen | Switzerland

MA | lic. oec. HSG | Economics & Management


1982-1984 | Institut Montana

Zugerberg | Switzerland

BA | Swiss Matura | Natural Sciences